One of the challenges of the church is in creating a self-sustainable income stream for all of their community programs. They have been reliant on the work of Pastor Mark Pedder (an Australian Missionary who lived in Baseco for nearly 20 years) to fundraise and garner support from international visitors. However, Pastor Mark has now moved back to Australia and the church needs to come up with ideas to be more self-sustainable - especially during COVID when they had no international visitors and donors for over 2 years.
Pastor Manny and Pastor Allan proposed to use a vacant plot of land (belonging to the church) which is adjacent to the church building to build a house which can then rented out to generate a consistent income for the church. It would cost approximately 80,000 pesos (equivalent to approximately AU$2,100) to build a single level house which would have access to water and electricity. This can then be rented out for 4,000 pesos (just over AU$100) per month.
Thanks to the generous donations received, we are delighted to be able to fund this project which would help the church to get a steady income, which in turn would help the community in Baseco. Pastor Manny and Pastor Allan will send through progress update when the build starts and photos as well.